Sunday, 3 September 2017

9. Table Of Figures, Table Of Tables, Table Of Equations

To complete the table of contents and guide thorough readers

For longer report, with a significant amount of Figures, Tables and/or equations, the table of content can be followed by respectively a table of figures, table of table and table of equations. This should however be reserved for larger report. Note that each table of either figures or tables or equation can be used individually if, for instance, the report mostly features figures, or table, or equations. 

The aim of those tables is to guide the thorough reader, but more importantly to allow future reference. Indeed, a particular table might prove to be very useful, and reader can therefore look up its location in the table of tables, rather than flick through the pages of the report.

For shorter reports however, this would only clutter the document, and not prove particularly used; it should therefore be avoided for shorter pieces of work with only a limited number of figures/tables/equations.

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